GSF Athletes celebrated for 2024 in Camden

GSF Athletes celebrated for 2024 in Camden

On Wednesday 24th July 2024, Camden Town Hall hosted the annual GLL Sport Foundation awards evening to celebrate athletes in Camden being accepted onto the largest independent athlete award programme in the UK.  
The awards evening was a great opportunity to present athletes with their official certificates and to celebrate their successes over the past year. The event was well attended with over 50 attendees present including 12 athletes, as well as a special guest; The Mayor of Camden Councillor Samata Khatoon who presented the certificates alongside Tony Wallace (Greenwich Leisure Limited, Regional Directed).  
All those in attendance were treated to a night of awards, food and an athlete Q&A with GLL Sport Foundation supported athletes British National Swimmer Bianca Jamal, British Power lifter Amila Dissanayake, and Jess Georgelin, Surf Life Saving.  
To close the awards the Mayor of Camden invited all guests to an exclusive tour of the Mayoral Parlour and the Council Chambers with all guests given access to all areas and an opportunity to take photos to capture the experience. 
We would like to congratulate all of the athletes that have been accepted onto the GLL Sport Foundation scheme for the 2024 season. 

The GLL Sport Foundation is supporting 39 athletes in Camden this year with awards including financial bursaries; training and access memberships; and physiotherapy to help athletes with the cost of preparing and competing for national and international competitions. In addition, GLL has partnered with ‘Switch The Play Foundation’ (STPF) to offer holistic mental wellbeing support services to athletes including confidential, emotional support helplines; classes on topics relating to self-care and resilience; and access to video resources, guides and podcasts providing top tips. 

Camden GSF Athletes Overview 

  • 39 athletes supported from across 18 different sports  
  • £24,000 total value of support (£2,000 cash and £22,000 in kind) 
  • 82% of our athletes receive no other central funding. 
For more information on the GLL Sports Foundation Scheme please visit: