Awards Criteria

Awards criteria


Award Level: Legacy Ambassador
Criteria: Retired Senior athletes and previous GSF Ambassadors with a strong affinity to GLL Sport Foundation.
Support: Training membership

Award Level: National Ambassador
Criteria: Senior athletes competing at an international level. Olympic, Paralympic, World, European and or Commonwealth champions. Selected by the GSF board for their contribution and support to the foundation.
Support: Upto £1250 Training membership

Award Level: Ambassador
Criteria: Senior athletes competing at an international level. Olympic, Paralympic, World, European and or Commonwealth champions.
Support: Upto £1000 Training membership

Award Level: SportsAid, SportsAid Wales, Mary Peters Trust 
GB & NI junior / senior athlete nominated by their NGB via SportsAid, SportsAid Wales or Mary Peters Trust.
Support: Upto £1000 Training membership

Award Level: Achievement
Criteria: Top 8 GB & NI ranked athlete (Over 18) plus either of the following:
** Member of National squad with National squad results in current year.
** Top 8 finish at Nationals or equivalent competition in current year. 
Support: Upto £250 Training membership

Award Level: Talent 
Criteria: Top 8 GB & NI ranked athlete (Under 18) plus either of the following:
** Member of National squad (age-band up to senior) with National squad results in current year.
** Top 8 finish (age-band up to senior) at Nationals or equivalent competition in current year.
Support: Upto £250 Training membership

Award Level: Top Up
Criteria: Top 8 GB & NI ranked athlete (age-band up to senior) that is in receipt of UK Sport / Lottery / SportsAid / NGB / other partner or private funding/sponsorship.
Support: Upto £200 Training membership

Award Level: Training
Criteria: Nationally ranked athlete (all ages) plus either of the following:
** Member of Regional squad with Regional squad results in current year.
** Top 8 finish at Regional’s or equivalent competition in current year.
Support: Training Membership